Sunday, 30 January 2011

'Audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping media output' - Ms Wigley

'Audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping media output'
With reference to your case study, how far is this true?

To a certain extent it is true that today audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping media output.
My three primary texts are soaps, EastEnders (BBC1), Coronation Street (ITV 1) and Hollyoaks (Channel 4).  They all run on three different platforms, e-media, print and broadcast and attract a wide range of audience interaction which helps the three primary texts shape media output.

EastEnders, is aired on BBC 1 and involves audience interaction as it is a soap which attracts mainstreams. The audience is becoming increasingly powerful in shaping the show. The hit TV show attracts on monthly an average of 10 million viewers. The EastEnders website attracts a wide range of audience. The EastEnders website allows the audience to interact with the show. One way the show does this is by a poll on the website which the audience can vote and see in what other audience’s are voting as the viewers can see the figures. For example the current question on the website is “Should Whitney forgive Carol?” and the figures show Yes – 40.1% and No 59.9%. This shows the audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping what is going to happen in the show. Also on the website allows audiences to blog their views and opinions which the audience can give their feedback on the show on the EastEnders blog and also preview images from upcoming shows. Also the audience can play games and quizzes and receive help and information on any issues raised during the show. Also because EastEnders is a popular TV soap you can catch up via BBC IPlayer and YouTube if you missed the show. Print allows that audience to know what is going to happen in the show which the audience demands to know. Also social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter allow audiences to shape their views and also have influences on audiences through campaigns and groups. Also as the audiences have influence in shaping the show as EastEnders and Apple have joint together to react to the change in technology with apps to engage the audience after popular demand for the show.
The audience is powerful in shaping the show as mainstreams and full nest families watch the show. Also the show gives the audiences a feel of pleasure, escapism, entertainment and information.

Coronation Street is aired on ITV 1 and involves audience interaction as it is a soap which attracts mainstreams. The hit TV show attracts on monthly an average of 10 million viewers. The Coronation Street website attracts a wide range of audiences. The website allows the audience to interact and engage with the show. The website has a range of activities including ‘Corrie Acade’and ‘Corrie Nation’. Also the website includes a weekly quiz. Another way the show the audience are becoming powerful in shaping the show is through backstage footage of the show and the blog on the website which allows the audience to interact with the show and put across their views and opinions. Also on the website you can like Coronation Street via Facebook. The audience is powerful in shaping the show as mainstreams and full nest families watch the show. The show allows user gratifications and entertains the audience.

Hollyoaks is aired on Channel 4 and involves audience interaction as it is a soap which attracts mainstreams. The TV soap attracts an audience of 840000.  The soap attracts a younger audience. One way the TV soap does this is by the website. The website contains spoilers and spoiler videos. The website includes competitions and backstage news and quiz of the month which allows the audience shape the soap.

Overall, the audience is becoming increasingly powerful in shaping the three soaps over the three platforms. The audience shape what is going to happen in the shows by blogs, opinions and views. Also the audience can interact with the three texts through games and quizzes. 

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