Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Self Evaluation - Mr Bush

Attainment: B
Indicative: B
Homework (H)- For Mrs Wigely - (Case Study)

The reasons for why I have given myself these grades are because:
I need to research more for my case study on soaps, and I haven't been putting in effort in doing this. Also I haven't been doing extra research for the trailer production which I will have to.

Research Case Study in depth
Anyalse more trailers for trailer production

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Hyundai Car Textual Analysis - MS Wigley

Hyundai Car Textual Analysis
Media Forms:
Which advertising techniques being used?
The Hyundai advert uses a number of adverting techniques to present the Hyundai car throughout the advert.  Hyundai use a number of shocking tactics which shock the audience and engage them into the advert. The advertisement uses humour as the baby in the advertisement makes the audience laugh and smile. Also the advertisement uses fantasy, and the advert is more like a Disney movie because of the yellow calm colours, the high key lighting uses to connote this. Also we wouldn’t see a baby driving a car, only in a fantasy world.  The audience are shocked from the beginning of the advertisement as we are shown the little baby climb out of his cot and drive off in the Hyundai car. This grabs the viewer’s attention right from the beginning as it shocks them as it isn’t possible for a baby to drive a car. Also this connotes to the audience that if you buy this car it would shock the public as the car is such an appealing car. Another advertising technique that is used by the audience is an sexual technique. As the baby in the car picks up a girl from the side of the road it connotes that the car can bring you girls too as well as a comfortable ride. Also when there are connotes of sex when the two babies in the car go through a bumping road. The techniques that are used connote that the car will help you gain all freedom, a girl and a good life.

How is gender represented in this advertisement?
The advertisement represents both male and female gender. The advertisement represents male to be dominant as he baby driver which is the protagonist is a male and also is the first person we see in the advertisement. We see the male protagonist to be in control the whole time as he drives the car. Also the female is the advertisement is sitting down and watching while the protagonist surfs. Throughout the advert we see the protagonist to be in control which connotes that you can be in control with this car.
Females in this advertisement are represented in an alterative view. We see the female character to be waiting on the side of the road for someone to come and get her. The protagonist in the advert stops over and helps her which shows females can be needy and vulnerable and need males to be there for them. Also the female just sits there watching the protagonist surf which connotes that he is in charge not her.
Also we see the babies to be presented in an Aryan Ideology as they are perfect blue eyed and blonde haired. Also they both are dressed in white which connotes purity and cleanliness.

What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers?
The Hyundai brand connotes to the audience that it can offer an experience which no other car can. The woman speaker in the advertisement lets the viewers know “The next generation Hyundai Santa Fe is here”. This connotes that the film is for the new generation which is connoted with the young male protagonist. Also this connotes that the company is forward thinking.
The Hyundai brand communicates that that they are clean and innovative because of the colours that are used in the advertisement which are connoted through the high – key lighting. Also throughout the advertisement the protagonist and the female have a smooth ride which connotes that with Hyundai you not only get a smooth ride but also it will be easy joining the brand. Also throughout the advert we are shown that the car is driven through different environments which connotes that it is multifunctional and can work under any pressure, and will leave others gobsmacked.  
Also the brand communicates that if you buy the product you will have the time of your life, just like the American Dream. Also the car will be allow you to escape reality and everyday life which is connoted through the calm music and also the protagonist is not on his own.  

Who is target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to buy the product?
The product is targeted at a social class of A, B, C, and C1. The age range that the advertisement is targeted at is between 21 and 35. This is connoted as the woman at the end of the advertisement says “the new generation” and also through the young male protagonist. The primary audience for the advertisement are males as the protagonist is a male. The secondary audience for the advertisement are females s they are presented in the advertisement too.
The psychographics that the advertisement targets at are egoists. Also people who would to escape from everyday life and have some freedom.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

'Audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping media output' - Ms Wigley

'Audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping media output'
With reference to your case study, how far is this true?

To a certain extent it is true that today audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping media output.
My three primary texts are soaps, EastEnders (BBC1), Coronation Street (ITV 1) and Hollyoaks (Channel 4).  They all run on three different platforms, e-media, print and broadcast and attract a wide range of audience interaction which helps the three primary texts shape media output.

EastEnders, is aired on BBC 1 and involves audience interaction as it is a soap which attracts mainstreams. The audience is becoming increasingly powerful in shaping the show. The hit TV show attracts on monthly an average of 10 million viewers. The EastEnders website attracts a wide range of audience. The EastEnders website allows the audience to interact with the show. One way the show does this is by a poll on the website which the audience can vote and see in what other audience’s are voting as the viewers can see the figures. For example the current question on the website is “Should Whitney forgive Carol?” and the figures show Yes – 40.1% and No 59.9%. This shows the audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping what is going to happen in the show. Also on the website allows audiences to blog their views and opinions which the audience can give their feedback on the show on the EastEnders blog and also preview images from upcoming shows. Also the audience can play games and quizzes and receive help and information on any issues raised during the show. Also because EastEnders is a popular TV soap you can catch up via BBC IPlayer and YouTube if you missed the show. Print allows that audience to know what is going to happen in the show which the audience demands to know. Also social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter allow audiences to shape their views and also have influences on audiences through campaigns and groups. Also as the audiences have influence in shaping the show as EastEnders and Apple have joint together to react to the change in technology with apps to engage the audience after popular demand for the show.
The audience is powerful in shaping the show as mainstreams and full nest families watch the show. Also the show gives the audiences a feel of pleasure, escapism, entertainment and information.

Coronation Street is aired on ITV 1 and involves audience interaction as it is a soap which attracts mainstreams. The hit TV show attracts on monthly an average of 10 million viewers. The Coronation Street website attracts a wide range of audiences. The website allows the audience to interact and engage with the show. The website has a range of activities including ‘Corrie Acade’and ‘Corrie Nation’. Also the website includes a weekly quiz. Another way the show the audience are becoming powerful in shaping the show is through backstage footage of the show and the blog on the website which allows the audience to interact with the show and put across their views and opinions. Also on the website you can like Coronation Street via Facebook. The audience is powerful in shaping the show as mainstreams and full nest families watch the show. The show allows user gratifications and entertains the audience.

Hollyoaks is aired on Channel 4 and involves audience interaction as it is a soap which attracts mainstreams. The TV soap attracts an audience of 840000.  The soap attracts a younger audience. One way the TV soap does this is by the website. The website contains spoilers and spoiler videos. The website includes competitions and backstage news and quiz of the month which allows the audience shape the soap.

Overall, the audience is becoming increasingly powerful in shaping the three soaps over the three platforms. The audience shape what is going to happen in the shows by blogs, opinions and views. Also the audience can interact with the three texts through games and quizzes. 

Monday, 24 January 2011


How do audiences access texts across the three platforms?

• Do the texts enable different types of audience activity and/or interaction?

Eastenders is aired on BBC 1 and BBC Three.

  • Exclusive ‘red button’ on SKY extra scenes
  • BBC Iplayer

EastEnders allows the audience to interact with the show with their online page on the BBC website.

  • Range of activities
  • Quizzes
  • Games
  • Polls
  • Extra scenes
  • Blog
  • Interviews
  • Help and Information

• Are audiences able to play a role in the construction of media texts? (UGC)

The audience is able to play in the construction of the media text via the internet.

  • Social networking sites
  • Blog on the Eastenders website
  • YouTube

• Are there differences in the audience gratifications offered across the three platforms?

  • Entertainment
  • Escapism
  • Information/Education  

What institutional issues are raised by the topic areas?

• How are institutions reacting to change in technology?

  • User friendly and entertaining website
  • ‘Red button’ on SKY
  • BBC HD
• How are institutions attempting to reach and engage their audiences?

·         Social networking sites
·         Polls on website
·         Blog
·         Quizzes

• What economic issues are behind the construction and distribution of contemporary media texts? 

·         Synergy with Apple - Eastenders Gossip
                         - IDoov

These apps are examples of synergy EastEnders and Apple have come together to make an apps for the show for their audiences. This apps together promotes Eastenders and Apple. 

Coronation Street

How do audiences access texts across the three platforms?

• Do the texts enable different types of audience activity and/or interaction?
Coronation Street is aired on ITV 1 and ITV 2.

  • ITV Player
Coronation Street allows the audience to interact with the show with their online page on the ITV website.

  • Range of activities
  • Quizzes
  • Games
  • Blog
  • Storylines
  • Videos
  • News
  • Picture previews

Are audiences able to play a role in the construction of media texts? (UGC)

The audience is able to play in the construction of the media text via the internet.

  • Social networking sites
  • Blog
  • YouTube 
Are there differences in the audience gratifications offered across the three platforms?

  • Entertainment
  • Escapism
  • Information/Education  
What institutional issues are raised by the topic areas?

• How are institutions reacting to change in technology?

  • User friendly and entertaining website
  • ‘Red button’ on SKY
  • ITV HD
How are institutions attempting to reach and engage their audiences?

·         Social networking sites
·         Preview pictures
·         Blog
·         Quizzes
·         Games

• What economic issues are behind the construction and distribution of contemporary media texts? 

·         Synergy with Apple - Special episodes  
This app is an example of synergy Coronation Street and Apple have come together to make an apps for the show for their audiences. This app together promotes Coronation Street and Apple. 


How do audiences access texts across the three platforms?

• Do the texts enable different types of audience activity and/or interaction?

Hollyoaks is aired on Channel 4 and E4.

  • Straight after the Channel 4 Hollyoaks is aired you can have a ‘first look’ at the next episode of the soap
  • 40D

EastEnders allows the audience to interact with the show with their online page on the   BBC website.

  • Range of activities
  • Quizzes
  • Games
  • Competitions
  • Blog
  • Interviews
  • Music
  • Help and support
  • Girl Talk

• Are audiences able to play a role in the construction of media texts? (UGC)

The audience is able to play in the construction of the media text via the internet.

  • Social networking sites
  • Blog on the Hollyoaks wesbite
  • YouTube
  • Videos
  • Pictures

• Are there differences in the audience gratifications offered across the three platforms?

  • Entertainment
  • Escapism
  • Information/Education  

What institutional issues are raised by the topic areas?

• How are institutions reacting to change in technology?

  • User friendly and entertaining website
  • First look on E4
  • 4HD
How are institutions attempting to reach and engage their audiences?

·         Social networking sites
·         Competitions
·         Blog
·         Quizzes
·         Interviews
·         Spoilers
·         ‘Girl Talk’